Friday, February 4, 2011

swami ramdas -करुणाष्टके

.. करुणाष्टके ..

    .. जय जय रघुवीर समर्थ ..

      श्रीसमर्थ रामदास स्वामिकृत


अनुदिन अनुतापे तापलो रामराया .
परमदिनदयाळा नीरसी मोहमाया ..
अचपळ मन माझे नावरे आवरीता .
तुजविण शिण होतो धाव रे धाव आता .. १..
( O Rama, I am extremely tormented by the daily struggle of life. O
most sympathizing one, cut away the temptation that has come to me with mAyA.
This very fickle mind of mine is difficult to control. There is a lot of
sorrow  without you ! Run to me immediately !
भजनरहित रामा सर्वही जन्म गेला .
स्वजनजनधनाचा व्यर्थ म्यां स्वार्थ केला ..
रघुपति मति माझी आपुलीशी करावी .
सकळ त्यजुनि भावे कांस तूझी धरावी .. २..

विषयजनित सूखे सौख्य होणार नाही .
तुजविण रघुनाथा ओखटे सर्व काही ..
रविकुळटिळका रे हीत माझे करावे .
दुरित दुरि हरावे स्वस्वरूपी भरावे .. ३..

तनु- मन- धन माझे राघवा रूप तुझे .
तुजविण मज वाटे सर्व संसार वोझे ..
प्रचलित न करावी सर्वथा बुद्धि माझी .
अचल भजनलीला लागली आस तूझी .. ४..

चपळपण मनाचे मोडिता मोडवेना .
सकळ स्वजनमाया तोडिता तोडवेना ..
घडि घडि बिघडे हा निश्चयो अंतरीचा .
म्हणवुनि करुणा हे बोलतो दीनवाचा .. ५..

जळत हृदय माझे जन्म कोट्यानुकोटी .
मजवरि करुणेचा राघवा पूर लोटी ..
तळमळ निववी रे राम कारुण्यसिंधू .
षड्रिपुकुळ माझे तोडि याचा समंधू .. ६..

तुजविण करुणा हे कोण जाणेल माझी .
शिणत शिणत पोटी लागली आस तूझी ..
झडकरि झड घाली धाव पंचानना रे .
तुजविण मज नेती जंबुकी वासना रे .. ७..

सबळ जनक माझा राम लावण्यकोटी .
म्हणवुनि मज पोटी लागली आस मोठी ..
दिवसागणित बोटी ठेवूनि प्राण कंठी .
अवचट मज भेटी होत घालीन मीठी .. ८..

जननिजनकमाया लेकरू काय जाणे .
पय न लगत मूखी हाणिता वत्स नेणे ..
जळधरकणाअशा लागली चातकासी .
हिमकर अवलोकी पक्षिया भूमिवासी .. ९..

तुजविण मज तैसे जाहले देवराया .
विलग विषमकाळी तूटली सर्व माया ..
सकळजनसखा तू स्वामि आणीक नाही .
वमकवमन जैसे त्यागिले सर्व काही .. १०..

स्वजनजनधनाचा कोण संतोष आहे .
रघुपतिविण आता चित्त कोठे न राहे ..
जिवलग जिव घेती प्रेत सांडूनि जाती .
विषय सकळ नेती मागुता जन्म देती .. ११..

सकळ जन भवाचि आथिले वैभवाचे .
जिवलग मग कैचे चालते हेचि साचे ..
विलग विषमकाळी सांडिती सर्व माळी .
रघुविर सुखदाता सोडवी अंतकाळी .. १२..

सुख सुख म्हणता हे दुःख टाकूनि आले .
भजन सकळ गेले चित्त दुश्चीत जाले ..
भ्रमित मन कळेना हीत ते आकळेना .
परम कठिण देही देहबुद्धि वळेना .. १३..

उपरति मज रामी जाहली पूर्णकामी .
सकळभ्रमविरामी राम विश्रामधामी ..
घडिघडि मन आता रामरूपी भरावे .
रघुकुळटिळका रे आपुलेसे करावे .. १४..

जलचर जळवासी नेणती त्या जळासी .
निशिदिन तुजपाशी चूकलो गूणरासी ..
भुमिधर निगमासी वर्णवेना जयासी .
सकळभुवनवासी भेट दे रामदासी .. १५..

असंख्यात ते भक्त होऊनि गेले .
तिन्ही साधनांचे बहू कष्ट केले ..
नव्हे कार्यकर्ता भुमीभार जालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. १६..

बहू दास ते तापसी तीर्थवासी .
गिरीकंदरी भेट नाही जनांसी ..
स्थिती ऐकता थोर विस्मीत जालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. १७..

सदा प्रेमराशी तया भेटलासी .
तुझ्या दर्शने स्पर्शने सौख्यराशी ..
अहंता मनीं शब्दज्ञाने बुडालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. १८..

तुझ्या प्रीतिचे दास जन्मास आले .
असंख्यात ते कीर्ति बोलोनि गेले ..
बहू घोरणा थोर चक्कीत जालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. १९..

बहूसाल देवालये हाटकाची .
रसाळा कळा लाघवे नाटकाची ..
पुजा देखिता जाड जीवी गळालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. २०..

कितेकी देह त्यागिले तूजलागी .
पुढे जाहले संगतीचे विभागी ..
देहेदुःख होताचि वेगी पळालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. २१..

किती योगमूर्ती किती पुण्यमूर्ती .
किती धर्मसंस्थापना अन्नशांती ..
पस्तावलो कावलो तप्त जालो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. २२..

सदा सर्वदा राम सोडूनि कामी .
समर्था तुझे दास आम्ही निकामी ..
बहु स्वार्थबुद्धीने रे कष्टवीलो .
तुझा दास मी व्यर्थ जन्मास आलो .. २३..

नसे भक्ति ना ज्ञान ना ध्यान काही .
नसे प्रेम हे राम विश्राम नाही ..
असा दीन अज्ञान मी दास तूझा .
समर्था जनीं घेतला भार माझा .. २४..

उदासीन हे वृत्ति जीवी धरावी .
अती आदरे सर्व सेवा करावी ..
सदा प्रीति लागो तुझे गूण गाता .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. २५..

सदा सर्वदा योग तूझा घडावा .
तुझे कारणी देह माझा पडावा ..
उपेक्षू नको गूणवंता अनंता .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. २६..

नको द्रव्य- दारा नको येरझारा .
नको मानसी ज्ञानगर्वे फुगारा ..
सगूणी मना लावी रे भक्तिपंथा .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. २७..

मनीं कामना कल्पना ते नसावी .
कुबुद्धी कुडी वासना नीरसावी ..
नको संशयो तोडि संसारव्यथा .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. २८..

समर्थापुढे काय मागो कळेना .
दुराशा मनीं बैसली हे ढळेना ..
तुटो संशयो नीरसी सर्व चिंता .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. २९..

ब्रिदाकारणे दीन हाती धरावे .
म्हणे दास भक्तास रे उद्धरावे ..
सुटे ब्रीद आम्हांसी सांडून जाता .
रघूनायका मागणे हेचि आता .. ३०..

विश्रांति देही अणुमात्र नाही .
कळाभिमाने पडिलो प्रवाही ..
स्वहीत माझे होता दिसेना .
तुजवीण रामा मज कंठवेना .. ३१..

विषयी जनाने मज लाजवीले .
प्रपंचसंगे आयुष्य गेले ..
समयी बहु क्रोध शांती घडेना .
तुजवीण रामा मज कंठवेना .. ३२..

संसारसंगे बहु पीडलो रे .
कारुण्यसिंधू मज सोडवी रे ..
कृपाकटाक्षे सांभाळि दीना .
तुजवीण रामा मज कंठवेना .. ३३..

आम्हां अनाथांसि तू एक दाता .
संसारचिंता चुकवी समर्था ..
दासा मनीं आठव वीसरेना .
तुजवीण रामा मज कंठवेना .. ३४..

       .. समाप्त ..

Kaal ganana -the time measurement in hinduism

The Hindus were  so developed scientifically in past  that they created the exact time calculating system

"Nimesh" is the time it takes to blink an eye. This is the smallest unit of time (similar to seconds). Fifteen Nimesh add up to one "Kashth". Thirty Kashth’s equal a "Kaal", and thirty Kaal’s make a "Muhurt".
Thirty Muhurt’s sum up to a "Ahoratr". One Ahoratr constitutes a day.
Thus there are thirty Muhurts in a day (or in one Ahoratr) fifteen each for day and night.
A God Ahoratr (day) equals one man year. The first six man months- when Gods have their first half of a day is called "Uttar Yaan" and the next six man months - when Gods have their night is called "Dakshin Yaan".
Three hundred and sixty human years equal one God year. Thus 12,000 God years equal 4,320,000 man years. This is a "Maha Yug".
There are four major Yugas or periods/eras. Satya Yug, Tret Yug, Dvapar Yug and Kali Yug.
Satya Yug lasts 1,440,000 man years; Tret Yug for 1,080,000 ; Dwapar Yug for 720, 000 and Kali Yug for 360,000 man years. In addition ,there are other time periods between these four Yugas. These periods are referred to as "Sandhyamsh" and they last for 720, 000 man years. Adding up the four Yugas and the Sandhyamsh we get a total of 4,320,000 man years or a Maha Yuga.
One "Manvantr" equals seventy one Mahayugas. Thus there are 296,720,000 man years in a Manvantr.
One "Kalp" equals a thousand Mahayugas. Thus there are 4,320,000,000 man years in a Kalp. One Kalp corresponds to one Brahma day! Thus there are 8,640,000,000 man years in one day/night of Brahma. Between the time he opens his eyes- to start all over again. Time between creation and destruction.
That is a count of 8.64 billion years!! It is the same as calculated by present day science!! But even the present day science cannot divide this time period as done so, poetically and scientifically, by our ancient scriptures.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

10 avataras of God Vishnu -the deity of preservation

      The scriptures speak of the 10 Avatars of Vishnu – different incarnations that take the form of divine intervention provided by Vishnu during the various stages of human evolution. The “dasavatara” (ten avatars) is meant to re-establish dharma or righteousness and destroy tyranny and injustice on earth.
      1. Matsya (the fish) -
      divine Fish that rescues Vedas, plants and animals. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appears in  Satya Yuga.
      2. Koorma (the tortoise):-Tortoise that supports the churn of the ocean to obtain treasures dissolved in the ocean of milk. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appears in the Satya Yuga
      3. Varaha (the boar)
      Boar that raise the earth from the bottom of the sea. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appears in the Satya Yuga.
      4. Narasimha (the human-lion)
      Narasimha (the man-lion): Man-lion who defies classification and overpowers mortals who seek to outwit death. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Satya Yuga.
      5. Vamana (the dwarf)
      Vamana (the dwarf): Dwarf who claims the sky from the gods and buries the demons in the underbelly of the earth. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Treta Yuga.
      6. Parasurama (the angry man, Rama with an axe)
      Parasurama (the angry man, Rama with an axe): Priest who turns to violence to kill unrighteous kshtartiyas & unchaste men and  women. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Treta Yuga
      7. Lord Rama (the perfect man, king of Ayodha)
      Lord Rama (the perfect man, king of Ayodha): King who uploads old rules at the cost of personal life. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Treta Yuga(?)
      8. Lord Krishna (the divine statesman)
      Lord Krishna (the divine statesman): Cowherd/charioteer/stateman who shrewdly changes rules. One of the ten avatars of Vishnu that appeared in the Dwapara Yuga.
      9. Buddha (the intelligent humanbeing);- Gautam buddha is the last but one avatara of vishnu -he was enlightened and had complete control over kaam ,krodha,,moha,mastar etc the six enemies of human being   
      10. Kalki (the mighty worrior)
      Kalki (meaning “eternity” / the mighty warrior): The last incarnation of Vishnu who is expected to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the time period in which we currently exist, to rid the world of the oppression of its unrighteous rulers.

    Puruṣārtha -end aim of human life

    Dharma:-religious, social and/or moral) righteousness, both spiritual and ritual"
    Artha: -(material and/or financial) prosperity as well as pursuit of meaning
    Kāma:- " (dharmic) pleasure "(wikipedia meaning)enjoy all pleasures in control  ,never let pleasure  control you  (my meaning ){no offences intended }
    Mokṣa: "(spiritual ) liberation,at last let your ATMA  (soul) merge with your DIVINE CREATOR the ALMIGHTY GOD (PARATMA)

    how i interpret this ??
    You are ought to follow dharma the path of good and wellbeing of all people,along with you are supposed to earn money and prosperity but it is of no use unless you use it, hence use it, but being in control .because remember your ultimate aim is moksha the "salvation"  

    a revolutionary idea -how can I be a Godlike eg.indra,vishnu,mahesh ?(no offences intended)

     (no offences intended)

    I believe we are the soul (atma)and there is only one PARMATMA (THE ALMIGHTY GOD)
    the god like figures or minor deties like Indra, Agni,Pawan dev etc have there limitations and tenure
    (according to the Brahma Purana and Hindu cosmology, Brahmā is regarded as the creator but not necessarily as God. Rather, He is regarded as a creation of God / Brahman. The lifespan of Brahmā is 100 Brahmā years, equivalent to 311,040,000,000,000 solar years (311 trillion and 40 billion Earth years). At the end of His lifespan, there will be a gap of 100 Brahmā years, after which another Brahmā or creator will begin the process of creation a new. This cycle is thought to repeat without end.) source wikipedia and all other websites "just google "
    so when their tenure ends ,the PRAMATMA or  HIS  SHAKTI appoints a new god on the basis of his capabilities and deeds than the gods according to their seniority of deeds and works can get that post  

    the question is how can you become a godlike figure  ????
    the answer is by your good deeds and moral behaviour

    the step are  very lengthy
    1) do good deeds in your mortal life (you are here means that your good and bad deeds were nearly  equal in your past births  )
    2) if you got "moksha". the salvation
    3)you will reach "swarga"
    4)rest is on your deeds there
    5)rest you can assume
    (no offences intended)

    Is there dictatorship of Holy Trinity or democracy ?

    there is no dictatorship of gods but the full democracy
    for example
    In the Brahma Purana and Hindu cosmology, Brahmā is regarded as the creator but not necessarily as God. Rather, He is regarded as a creation of God / Brahman. The lifespan of Brahmā is 100 Brahmā years, equivalent to 311,040,000,000,000 solar years (311 trillion and 40 billion Earth years). At the end of His lifespan, there will be a gap of 100 Brahmā years, after which another Brahmā or creator will begin the process of creation anew. This cycle is thought to repeat without end.

    in this way the things are also similar for all gods including Vishnu, Indra ,and mahesh this way there is complete democracy among GODs being everybody a soul.a part of great soul  

    brahma Shakti (construction, and/or creation).of ALMIGHTY GOD(PARMESHWAR) better known brahma,prajapati

    "Brahma" one of the three god of the "three great trinity" ,work area is creation or construction of whole universe .