Thursday, February 3, 2011

Puruṣārtha -end aim of human life

Dharma:-religious, social and/or moral) righteousness, both spiritual and ritual"
Artha: -(material and/or financial) prosperity as well as pursuit of meaning
Kāma:- " (dharmic) pleasure "(wikipedia meaning)enjoy all pleasures in control  ,never let pleasure  control you  (my meaning ){no offences intended }
Mokṣa: "(spiritual ) liberation,at last let your ATMA  (soul) merge with your DIVINE CREATOR the ALMIGHTY GOD (PARATMA)

how i interpret this ??
You are ought to follow dharma the path of good and wellbeing of all people,along with you are supposed to earn money and prosperity but it is of no use unless you use it, hence use it, but being in control .because remember your ultimate aim is moksha the "salvation"  

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